



2023年4月1日 社会知能情報学研究室(馬研究室)が誕生!


見学は随時受付中です。興味ある方はinquiry at soci.is.kit.ac.jp までご連絡ください。


News & Information

  • Paper acceptance

    M2 student Yuki Ito's paper, "Supporting student self-learning using generative AI", has been accepted for 16th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2024).

  • Paper acceptance

    Yasuoka’s (D1) Paper “Research on Behavioral Characteristics of Entrepreneurs”
    has been accepted as FULL PAPER (IIAI Letters) in the 5th International Conference on Decision Science, Theory and Management

  • Paper Acceptance

    M1 student Keishi Fukuda's paper, "Leveraging Heterogeneous Text Data for Reinforcement Learning-based Stock Trading Strategies", has been accepted for International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2024).

  • Paper Acceptance

    Our paper (Dr. Kun Yi), "User-Experience Oriented POI Recommendation with Pseudo Rating", has been accepted for publication in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer.

  • Paper Acceptance

    Our paper, "RPMTD: A Route Planning Model with Consideration of Tourists’ Distribution," has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.

    This is a joint work with Mr. Yuntao Kong (D3, JAIST).